Dr. Bremner called his book "HTK," which was journalism shorthand for "Headline To Come." In it Dr. Bremner collected some of the cleverest, most ambiguous and potentially libelous headlines from the nation's newspapers. And he did this long before Jay Leno was a household name. Here are some samples:
Campus Group Plans
Liberation of Women
'Pill' Hearings Cause Pregnancies
Beauty Unveils Bust at Ceremony
Many Antiques at DAR Meeting
Mr. McClusky Will Give
Free Goose to 4-H Girls
Missouri Pacific to Drop
Passengers from 3 Trains
Avoid Having Baby
At the Dinner Table
President Eats Turkey,
Lays a Cornerstone
Police Stoned in Hartford
Escaped Leopard
Believed Spotted
Youth of 80 Lands
At Rally in India
Jones Will Fight
Hinges on Baby
Catholic Women Hear
Seeing Eye Dog Talk
First Lady Arrives
In Virgin Islands
Fatal Attack
Wasn't First
For Nasser
Ike Says Nixon Can't Stand Pat
Broad to Be Honored
As Man of the Year
Helen Wills Moody
On 3-Week Honeymoon
Actor Accidentally Shot in Debut
4-H Girl Wins Contest
As Best Hoer in County
Farmer Interred Is Not Dead
Cemetery Gets Praise
From Former Resident
Girl Becomes Methodist
After Delicate Operation
Auto Hits Pedestrian
Without a Tail Light
Man Shot in Head
Accidentally Dies
Man Pulls Needle from Foot
He Swallowed 66 Years Ago
Nazis Bomb Belfast;
No Catholics Killed
Priest Turns Holy Roller
As His Car Turns Turtle
Deaf Man Will Have
New Hearing in Court
Genesis Row Causes
Second Prof's Exodus
Canadian Club Finishes Fifth